
Dummy / Minimax

Maximize score, while taking into account that you will try to minimize my score.
""" Minimax algorithm - Dummy
Binary tree, with only two choices, left and right.

When is Max turn on list node, we evaluate each node children
on `not player` choise, because Min player will try to minimize
the Max score.

def minimax(node, player):
    if isinstance(node, int):  # Base case
        return node

    lv = minimax(node[0], not player) # Recursive
    rv = minimax(node[1], not player) # Recursive

    if player:
        best_score = max(lv, rv)
        best_score = min(lv, rv)
    return best_score

tree = [[9, 5], [-3, -2]]

print('Max to play / Best score =', minimax(tree, True))
print('Min to play / Best score =', minimax(tree, False))

    Max to play / Best score = 5
    Min to play / Best score = -2

Prunning / Alpha Beta

In the maximising case, we could avoid visiting a subtree.
""" Minimax algorithm - Alpha beta prunning
This algorithm will hava a lot of work on big trees.
Some parts are irellevant and don't need to be traverse.

When maximising, check if value is too high when compared to beta.
When minimising, check if value is too low when compared to alpha.

When alpha is greater or equal than beta, it means that the current player 
has found a better move in different branch.

def minimax(node, player, alpha=float("-inf"), beta=float("+inf")):
    if isinstance(node, int): 
        return node
    print('Node:', node)

    v = float("-inf") if player else float("+inf")
    for k in node:

        sub_val = minimax(k, not player, alpha, beta)

        if (player):
            if sub_val > v: 
                v = sub_val
            alpha = max(alpha, v)
            if sub_val < v:
                v = sub_val
            beta = min(beta, v)

        # if (player and v >= beta) or (not player and v <= alpha): break

        if alpha >= beta: # pruning condition

    return v

tree = [
            [3, 4]
            [-2, 10], 

print('Max to play')
move = minimax(tree, True) # [-2, 10] is ignored
print('Max best move =', move, '\n')

print('Min to play')
move = minimax(tree, False)
print('Min best move =', move, '\n')

    Max to play
    Node: [[[[3, 4]], [8, [-2, 10], 5]], 7]
    Node: [[[3, 4]], [8, [-2, 10], 5]]
    Node: [[3, 4]]
    Node: [3, 4]
    Node: [8, [-2, 10], 5]
    Max best move = 7

    Min to play
    Node: [[[[3, 4]], [8, [-2, 10], 5]], 7]
    Node: [[[3, 4]], [8, [-2, 10], 5]]
    Node: [[3, 4]]
    Node: [3, 4]
    Node: [8, [-2, 10], 5]
    Node: [-2, 10]
    Min best move = 5

  Last update: 423 days ago