A queue is similar to a stack, except that is processes data in a different order. Queue are display and explain horizontaly. It's like a line of people at the movie theater. The first one in line is the first one to leave and enter the theater (FIFO).Deque / Python
In Python, queues are a buit-in data structure with its own standard library. Deque in python is a versatile implementation of double-ended queue. It allows you to effectively use it as a stack, a queue, or a combination of both.
from collections import deque
# Initialize the queue
my_queue = deque()
# Add elements to the back of the queue
# Output queue
print("Queue after insertion =", my_queue)
# Remove from the front of the queue
front = my_queue.popleft()
# Output queue
print("Queue after deletion =", my_queue)
print("Popped left element =", front)
Queue after insertion = deque([1, 2, 3])
Queue after deletion = deque([2, 3])
Popped left element = 1
Create Queue
Like many other abstarct data types, it isn't implemented in many programming languages. Let's create a queue to see how it works internaly.
class Queue:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def append(self, item):
self.items += [item]
def popleft(self):
item = self.items[0]
self.queue = self.items[1:]
return item
def read(self):
return self.items[0]
def __str__(self):
return str(self.items)
# New queue
queue = Queue()
# Push elements into the queue
# Output queue
print("Queue after insertion =", queue)
# Remove from the queue
popped = queue.popleft()
print("Remove from queue front =", popped)
print("Queue after deletion =", queue)
# Read from queue
print("New front =", queue.read())
Queue after insertion = [1, 2, 3]
Remove from queue front = 1
Queue after deletion = [1, 2, 3]
New front = 1
Last update: 419 days ago