Registry Pattern
Allows any object to be used as Singleton, without it being written as Singleton.
class MyController extends MyBaseController
public function listAction()
$articles = $this->articleModel->getArticles();
// __get() called
class MyBaseController
private $register = array();
public function __get($var) // Magic method
if (strstr($var, 'Model')) {
$modelKey = substr($var, 0, -5);
if (in_array($modelKey, $this->register)) {
return $this->register[$modelKey]; // Look Here
} else {
eval('$model = new '. ucfirst($modelKey).'Model();');
$this->register[$modelKey] = $model;
return $model;
class ArticleModel
public function getArticles()
echo 'articles displayed';
$test = new MyController();
$test->listAction(); // articles displayed
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